Arrowhead United Way: Nonprofits Hustle and Bustle for Christmas

By Dianne Anderson
Santa’s sled is not pushing capacity this year with wish lists and community events filling up as fast as it posts to social media.
Many giveaways are already sold out, and lots of nonprofits are calling for more last-minute toys.
Dr. Gwen Dowdy-Rodgers is busy getting the Arrowhead United Way boxes out to the community to help push toy drives for children, many who wouldn’t otherwise have a toy.
“We create the boxes to go into our police department, to Target and Walmart. We’re reaching out to all these places right now to put a toy box in bigger stores so that people can donate,” said Dr. Dowdy-Rogers, president of Arrowhead United Way.
Between trying to get food out for the holidays and bringing in donation dollars for last Giving Tuesday’s community health event, she said this year has been a major effort.
Their partners, Target and Walmart and AUW campaign donors give their time, along with cash donations, and also let their employees come to volunteer. She invites community nonprofits to also participate in the toy drive by requesting a box for their locations.
AUW will design it for them and drop it off.
“They can contact the office and bring the toys here or let us know where we can come and pick them up. Everybody is familiar, they don’t have to do anything. It’s in stores where someone works and they can buy a toy and put it in the box. The store monitors the boxes,” she said.
After a three-year pause on their annual event, they recently held a toy giveaway at Riley Elementary, coordinated with the Kiwanis of Greater San Bernardino Toy Drive. The Mom Mob, a regular event started by the late education activist Dr. Margaret Hill, provided the good energy.
Pamela Montana organized the 33rd Annual Toy Giveaway as part of the toy drive for Kiwanis of Greater San Bernardino, a nonprofit that started over 50 years ago.
“The Mom Mob was at Riley last Friday, and the staff and Mom Mob brought their energy and dance moves,” she said. “Kiwanis is excited to be able to give back to the community, especially the kids during this holiday season. We are anticipating 500 kids. Santa will be making a visit from the North Pole.”
Also at Children’s Fund, a partner of Spark of Love in the County of San Bernardino, is collecting toys to redistribute to hundreds of community-based organizations throughout the County. Last year, the organization provided over 44,000 holiday gifts to about 40 local organizations.
Cesar Navarrete, MPA, President and CEO of Children’s Fund, said anyone interested in hosting a toy drive can print out their request on their website, and swing by their offices to pick up a kit that includes a box.
He is also calling for donations.
“We are expecting over 50,000 toy requests this year from our community partners and need all the help we can get to make this holiday season special for every child in need throughout San Bernardino County. Join us in bringing hope this holiday season to thousands of children by participating in Children’s Funds Celebration of Giving,” he said in an email.
Terrance Stone has held huge toy drives for 20 years, and said the regular rush for free toys is one reason why they are not opening up registrations until December as their lists typically fill up in less than two days.
He said he is grateful that YVYLA is partnering with the Sheikh Impact Center to bring the Winter Wonderland Toy Giveaway and Resource Fair to San Bernardino County.
Since the pandemic, his nonprofit has teamed up with sponsors Adidas along with Sheikh Shoes. This year they expect to serve 5,000 toys and shoes for youth 17 and under. It’s something all teens crave.
“They bring brands like Adidas. The teens aren’t looking for toys. For that age group, they’ll get Nike, Crocs, and Puma,” said Stone, CEO and Founder of Young Visionaries Youth Leadership Academy.
The event will be held at his location at 604. W. 4th Street in downtown San Bernardino, a 5,200 square-foot facility on the block that Sheikh owns. There, he also hosts job training classes and other resources within the Sheikh Impact Center.
“We’re trying to create a safe environment in San Bernardino right across from the movie theater,” Stone said. “We understand that we can’t fix the whole city, but this downtown area is perfect, and we’re working to make it a safe environment where families can come out.”
During the 2020 COVID shutdown, their first huge Christmas event partnership was held at Sheikh’s Ontario property. Last winter, the event drew record-breaking crowds with Adidas sponsoring tons of snow. The kids rode their sleds in the parking lot, and they served about 3,000.
He said the events are always large.
“We have people coming not just from the city of San Bernardino, but surrounding areas Rialto, Fontana, they pretty much come out to our events,” Stone said. “For Thanksgiving, we [gave] 1,500 turkeys. That was at capacity in less than 48 hours.”
To volunteer, host toy drives or contribute to the cause:
For Children’s Fund, volunteer or host a toy drive, see
To contribute to AUW, see
To check for Christmas giveaway updates or join notifications, see
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