Community Action Partnership Feeds Over 1,000 Families

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic now more than ever people all cross the nation are in need. With unemployment at it highest since the Great Depression people are in need of the bare necessities, like food.
The San Bernardino County Community Action Partnership, led by Patricia L. Nickols-Butler, has been there to answer the call at every turn to assist those in need. CAPSBC offers a number of programs to aid San Bernardino County residents. It provides a food bank program which feeds thousands of needy families, offers a family development program and housing services program focusing on energy, education and environment as well as tax assistance.
CAPSBC continues to wage the war on poverty. By developing and implementing programs that address the needs of low-income families and individuals in San Bernardino County. The services provided by CAPSBC are offered free of charge to participants. Eligibility is based upon federal government poverty guidelines.
The CAPSBC food program is designed to provide access to nutritious and culturally acceptable food. The goal is to alleviate hunger, malnutrition and poverty. The food program offers necessary resources to create positive health outcomes for individuals dealing with hunger and food insecurity.
With the partnership efforts of San Bernardino Valley College, the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Assemblymembers Eloise Gomez-Reyes and James Ramos, Rep. Pete Aguilar, San Bernardino City Unified School Board members Dr. Margaret Hill and Gwen Rodgers, CAPSBC provided meals, school supplies and PPE to help keep families safe from COVID-19 to over 1,000 families and school children last weekend.
A number of individuals and groups came out to volunteer their time. UNITEE Violence & Incarceration Prevention and their youth group provided a lot of manpower to the cause.
As cars pulled into the parking lot on the campus of San Bernardino Valley College, volunteers greeted the families and handed them bags of food, school supplies and PPE. All hands were on deck to keep the traffic flowing smoothly.
To get more information about CAPSBC visit their website at
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