• 1813

    By Dianne Anderson Last call for one of the hottest topics of the decade – the drawing of the maps that make up the lines of democracy in America. Depending on how those lines are drawn for fair representation, it could have a very positive or a very negative impact on voting choices and voting ...
  • 2684

    By Edward Henderson California Black Media Last week, the U.S. Census Bureau held a press conference to announce its first local level findings from the 2020 data collection cycle. The new numbers — which drill down to provide demographic information at the county, city and block levels — reveal that California is more multiracial, more ...
  • 2967

    Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic now more than ever people all cross the nation are in need. With unemployment at it highest since the Great Depression people are in need of the bare necessities, like food. The San Bernardino County Community Action Partnership, led by Patricia L. Nickols-Butler, has been there to answer the call ...
  • 2627

    By Dianne Anderson Billions and billions of dollars that could support communities and people of color may not come down unless more Black and Brown people fill out the Census forms or answer the knock at the door. And make it fast. The clock is ticking under a recently announced tighter deadline. The U.S. Census ...
  • 2825

    By Dianne Anderson Like the old saying goes, you can run but you can’t hide – from the Census, that is. And why should you after all? Lots of money is at stake, and filling out the form is nothing compared to information that residents freely share with complete strangers on any given day. Esmeralda ...
  • 2779

    By Dianne Anderson Fire up the old computer, dust off the laptop, or get the smartphone palm ready. Residents over the next week will start receiving their special Census code by snail mail. They are expected to fill out that form, or they can expect the knock at the door. For those that need extra ...
  • 2695

    By Dianne Anderson Be ready to open the door when, not if, the Census comes knocking. But there is a way everyone can avoid that knock. Unlike any other time in history since the Census began, this generation has one advantage. They can fill out their census questionnaires online. The Census Bureau is telling everyone ...
  • 3162

    By Dianne Anderson It’s that time of decade again when people tend to pull down the shades and pretend they don’t hear the knock. But rest assured, the Census enumerators will miss no door, and will likely come around more than once until that form is filled out. Community leaders are urging the Black and ...
  • 4164

    By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire The U.S. Supreme Court’s sharp rebuke of the Trump Administration’s rationale for wanting the citizenship question in the 2020 census means the question is an artifact of the past, according to Southern Methodist University Professor Lolita Buckner Inniss. “Though ultimately the Trump administration may prevail in having the citizenship question added, ...
  • 3875

    By William J. Ford The Washington Informer The NAACP announced that the group has filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump, the U.S. Census Bureau and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, “to combat the imminent threat that the 2020 Census will substantially undercount African Americans and other people of color in communities throughout the United ...