• 1908

    By Jesse B. Johnson, Jr.  The 100 Black Men of Long Beach, Inc., is a nonprofit 501(C)(3) professional organization. During the 38th International Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, June 11-18, the “Best of the Best” Stock Market Game competition took place, where only the top four teams competed for top prizes. Fourteen weeks prior to ...
  • 2127

    By Dianne Anderson Forget about sleeping late on Saturdays, the boys of 100 Black Men of Orange County wake up hours ahead of time to trek as far away as Los Angeles and Temecula to catch up around some of the highest powered careers on the planet, and beyond. But it’s the heart of the ...
  • 2369

    By Dianne Anderson Eleven-year-old Elysian Sanders doesn’t have to think twice about the impact of the 100 Black Men of Long Beach on his personal growth and ethical business prospects. “The best part of this program is being in the program,” he said. “I think it’s a big part is they encourage us to explore ...
  • 1803

    By Dianne Anderson Black men can run and hide from the needle, but they are still over twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than white men, even though a simple PSA blood antigen test starting at age 35 could save their lives. It’s a problem that Eric Burroughs has been chipping away at, ...
  • 3275

    By Dianne Anderson Old boxes of wet stuck together paper from a long-defunct teen basketball program were headed for the trash, but something wouldn’t let Jesse Johnson throw out what was destined for better days. That was seven years ago. He is glad he didn’t quit when his basement flooded during a home renovation and ...
  • 3213

    By Dianne Anderson Kids with the 100 Black Men of the Inland Empire are drilling down on some of the toughest issues of the day, and keeping up with constitutional wrangling to rival some of the most popular political pundits. They can spot the many twists and turns of the democratic process that, at times, ...
  • 6403

    During this final week of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. encourages all men to learn the facts and take preventative measures annually. As a public service and part of the 100s ongoing programmatic initiatives, the organization’s long history of health advocacy includes building awareness, screening, giving follow up referrals and providing ongoing ...
  • 4072

    Voter Empowerment Workshops By Dianne Anderson When it comes to politics, the most important thing to Damon Alexander is location, location, location. And, by location, he means keeping politics local. He feels that all politics has the biggest impact at the community level, even as voters often look to the national front. “Our gas tax ...
  • 6871

    By Dianne Anderson Consuming the 100 Black Men of the Inland Empire mentors in recent weeks has been getting the boys ready for their premiere production, a Black History Showcase last Saturday at Cal Baptist University. Keith Willis, incoming 100 BMIE president, said that he and the other volunteer mentors were taking late night calls ...
  • 3505

    By Dianne Anderson High energy steppers, the glitz and twirl of batons and live entertainment will once more draw thousands to line the streets of Long Beach at the 30th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Peace and Unity Parade. There, the 100 Black Men of Long Beach are ready to march lockstep with local festivities, ...