Bloomington Native Now Navy Chief Petty Officer

by Navy Office of Community Outreach
Navy Chief Master-At-Arms Gloria Jemison from Bloomington was recently promoted to chief petty officer, an accomplishment that only one in five eligible sailors achieve each year.
Chief Jemison, a 1988 Rubidoux High School graduate, is currently serving Strategic Communication Wing One.
“Being selected as chief was very humbling experience and a shock,” said Jemison. “I was about to 19 years and didn’t think I was going to make chief. The fact that I did made me feel very good.”
Achieving the title of ‘Navy Chief’ is a major honor and milestone. According to Navy Personnel Command, there are only 8.5 percent of sailors currently serving at the chief petty officer rank.
To be selected for this promotion, sailors must be a petty officer 1st class, and successfully navigate through two qualifying factors: a job-based exam and a selection review board. A sailor’s record can only proceed to the review board after they score high enough on the exam. Once the exam is passed, their records are reviewed by a panel of senior navy leaders who meet for six weeks to determine if the individuals meet the standards for selection as a chief petty officer. A sailor’s performance is evaluated for at least five years, and each sailor attributes different experiences for their selection.
“Taking the unaccompanied billets I think helped me the most to make chief,” said Jemison. “I spent a lot of time away from my family.”
During the ceremony, the honored sailors invite friends and family members to pin on the two gold anchors that adorn the newly appointed chiefs’ uniforms, while the sailor’s sponsor places the combination cover on their heads.
“I would praise my family and friends here and back home for putting up with never knowing when I would be coming home but never faulting my short notice,” said Jemison.
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