• 1136

    By Dianne Anderson Odds are that the oodles of money flowing down each year at the city of Long Beach came and went by the time the community found out it was there. But for those who act fast, more money is coming down once again. Microgrants are now available for Neighborhood Associations to apply ...
  • 1574

    By Dianne Anderson Every neighborhood knows what their community wants and needs. Some are more concerned about crime, some focus on beautification, while others just want their potholes fixed. In Janette Mckaig’s Muscubiabe neighborhood, their association residents got very involved to oppose a structure they felt would change their neighborhood for the worse. Environmental concerns ...
  • 2871

    By Dianne Anderson San Bernardino city residents have high hopes and even higher energy around what they can collectively do to improve their community. So much so, in fact, that many volunteers had to be placed on a waiting list to participate in the program this time around next year. Last month, the Neighborhood Services ...