Lawsuit Seeks Misspent Education Funds
By Dianne Anderson If $63 billion for 2019-20 in Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funding slated to help mostly low-income Black and Brown kids in school districts across the state sounds like a lot of money – it is. Now, if only those high needs students could get at those state-mandated resources and services that ... -
Parents Try to Cope with COVID19
By Dianne Anderson Stay at home and self-isolation orders have most parents perplexed about what to do academically with the kids. For the school district, the big focus is on getting kids and families safely through the Coronavirus crisis in the coming weeks and months. “Right now, the way I see it is that it’s ... -
Reyes Partners with S.B. Schools For Community Healing Forum
Bullying and violence in our communities were top concerns on Monday night. Over 200 community members joined with Assemblymember Reyes and Chief Joseph Paulino of the San Bernardino City Unified School District Police at Arroyo Valley High School to share their frustrations and concerns on important community issues in San Bernardino. The goal of the ...