• 1595

    By Dianne Anderson What brought down a $1 million settlement from the city of Hesperia and the Sheriff’s department for Black and Latino victims over “crime-free” rental housing policy could set the bar for more settlements to come. Kailin Scott hopes the recent Department Of Justice lawsuit sets a precedent that may open doors, and ...
  • 1766

    By Dianne Anderson Andrea Rosenthal Seeks 39th Assembly Seat Gone are the days when the economically challenged community, commonly synonymous with people of color, would flock up the hill in search of better prices on rent or good grabs for first-time homebuyers. In Andrea Rosenthal’s day job in housing affordability and emergency rental assistance programs, ...
  • 3796

    By Dianne Anderson If $63 billion for 2019-20 in Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funding slated to help mostly low-income Black and Brown kids in school districts across the state sounds like a lot of money – it is. Now, if only those high needs students could get at those state-mandated resources and services that ...