• 531

    by Barbara Smith Photos by Earl Edwards Historically artists have used their creativity and platforms to challenge the status quo, inspire movements, and drive social change. In keeping with this continuum, a coterie of committed artists, advocates for social justice and community members gathered at Santa Ana College last week for an interactive concert, “Artists ...
  • 585

    By Dianne Anderson Issues of mental health and transformative justice connected community and professionals recently around staying engaged, and keeping calm despite life’s innumerable stressors. With her three decades serving in areas of Black health, Ernesta Wright said their last virtual town hall is one of several collaborative efforts looking at how to restore balance ...
  • 878

    By Dianne Anderson For COVID survivors, adapting in the aftermath of the virus that claimed three times as many Black lives than whites, the shock to the senses was both physical and mental. Losing so many immediate family members, young and old, took years to recover, and only recently, the community is starting to heal. ...
  • 681

    By Dianne Anderson Munch a brunch with virtual Lunch and Learn chats this month where experts will share their strategies on how to deal with discrimination in healthcare, advocate for self-help, and help for family and friends. Upcoming forums will cover steps the community can take when medical professionals either don’t care, don’t listen, or ...
  • 1045

    By Dianne Anderson Long before race bias in health systems was trending, Ernesta Wright was pushing advocacy, trying to debunk some of the myths that keep the community from getting the healthcare they need. Then and now, her concern was to bring the facts to the community for informed decision-making, and learn the best options ...
  • 1424

    By Dianne Anderson About 60 percent of the country is now fully vaccinated, but 40% are still on the fence, even with the recent rush for a booster in the face of future variants that could be worse, or much different, than the last one. Omicron seems to transmit twice as fast as Delta, which ...
  • 1517

    By Dianne Anderson Putting off that mammogram and other essential doctor appointments through the pandemic was not too unusual, but it was not a good idea. Local health advocate Ernesta Wright is not judging, but she is concerned. Health screenings are never fun, and she said some women may also delay care for other reasons. ...
  • 1779

    By Dianne Anderson Just about every cancer known to science – breast cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, uterus cancer, prostate cancer – provided a loud wake-up call for Ramona Lawson, and survivors within her family circle. Remembering those who died has changed the family’s approach to life, health and diet. “Some of us have become ...
  • 2422

    By Dianne Anderson The Black community had been stuck in crisis mode for a long time, and then the pandemic hit. Since Coronavirus, the rise in mental health issues are consistent with increased unemployment, loss of healthcare, surging death rate twice that of whites, and back-to-back victimization of Blacks by police abusers. It’s keeping healthcare ...
  • 2332

    By Dianne Anderson Everyone thinks they want to know what COVID-19 symptoms are like, but Yvonne Peeples says if you have it, you know it. From the beginning, she knew something was wrong. The persistent cough seemed to go away for a while, but come back. She lost her sense of taste and smell, and ...