Rest and Refresh with OC and LBC BHM Events
By Dianne Anderson Unplug, unwind, take a deeper breath with some time off from the political frenzy of the unrelenting loop, but first, indulge in a full immersion into the rhythm of Black excellence. On Wednesday, February 12, Irvine Valley College campus will liven up with a live drum circle, connect with the community and ... -
Long Beach: Honoring MLK Legacy, Living the Dream
By Dianne Anderson Volunteers, by the hundreds at the local level, or hundreds of thousands nationally, are rolling up their sleeves for MLK Day, not just with cerebral reflections, but living the dream through action. This year’s Long Beach Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade and Celebration has over 80 parade entries, including churches, schools, nonprofits, ... -
Black Student Success Scholarships Honor Student Advocates
By Dianne Anderson For their strong advocacy against anti-Blackness, students at Cal State University system got some well-deserved recognition, along with a decent amount of scholarship dollars to help encourage their passion to continue the fight. Armand Jovaughn Egere pushed hard after the pandemic to get his grades high, engaged in extracurricular activity with Alpha Phi ... -
Fellowship Program Offers Internships in City Departments
By Dianne Anderson Local students are stepping up their professional game in the last year of college, upleveling with a foot in the door of good paying city careers to future proof a hot jobs market. Whether a senior at Cal State Dominguez Hills, Long Beach State, or a second year with at least 30 ... -
100 Black Men Grow Young Black Scholars
By Dianne Anderson Black boys and teens may not get what they need in traditional school settings, but when they fall short they can count on some of the most powerful men in Long Beach to come to their rescue. Many of the 100 Black Men of Long Beach are attorneys, teachers, medical professionals and ... -
Black History Month Events: Cerebral, Creative and Fun
By Dianne Anderson Discover, curate and contemplate, but most of all celebrate Black History Month events throughout the city are opening the eyes of awareness. of culture, social justice, academics, and the arts. Paul Carter, assistant director of the Black Resource Center at Cal State University, Long Beach, said this month brings several thought-provoking and ... -
Area Seeks Diverse Early Childhood Teachers
By Dianne Anderson More support for Black teachers may be coming soon to Cal State Long Beach and Cal State Dominguez Hills as campuses look to tap culturally competent and racially diverse educators for a PK-3 early childhood credential. A recent gift of $11 million to CSULB and $22 million for CSUDH from the Ballmer ... -
BHM Events on Campus and MOLAA
By Dianne Anderson Students and community are delving deeper into discussions across a spectrum of contemplative issues as Black History Month celebrations pack the calendar to inspire. At Cal State University Long Beach, the breakout of cultural highlights starts Friday, February 3. Students are invited to a presentation by the Black Student Union Elders Association ... -
Free Black Business Program Helps Companies Grow Bigger
By Dianne Anderson Coming to California in 2005, Kevyn Lee could hardly imagine the finely shaved iced fluffy Sno-Ball shop that he owns today. With no job, not enough money, and in the heat of his travels, he craved a little taste of back home, a New Orleans Sno-Ball where none were to be found. ... -
CSULB: Black Table Talk Promotes Mental Wellness
By Dianne Anderson High-profile suicides are weighing heavy on the community, among the most recent Ian Alexander Jr., and the presumed suicide of lawyer and former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst. Kryst, also an entertainment reporter, was just 30 years old. She had often interviewed other television stars on mental health issues, and had spoken openly ...