• 1598

    By Dianne Anderson Even at 96 years young, no one was ever too far out of the way for Pastor Rueben English to jump in his car, go out one on one into the community to pray for families in need. “When you talked to him on the phone, before he’d hang up he’d say ...
  • 1370

    By Dianne Anderson Coming to California in 2005, Kevyn Lee could hardly imagine the finely shaved iced fluffy Sno-Ball shop that he owns today. With no job, not enough money, and in the heat of his travels, he craved a little taste of back home, a New Orleans Sno-Ball where none were to be found. ...
  • 3202

    By Dianne Anderson Businesses working with a quarter-million dollars in revenues may be looking to bump up to the next level of success with the Small Business Administration’s latest THRIVE intensive hybrid and online curriculum. But even entrepreneurs on a shoestring budget can get in on new SBA program action. Godfrey Hinds, an expert in ...
  • 1437

    By Dianne Anderson Everyone wants to learn at the feet of high caliber influencers about solid money making strategies, but for Kyle Webb, the approach to a successful enterprise is synonymous with building a successful Black community. Kyle Webb’s recent affiliation through the Black Equity Initiative funds and CEEM – Cooperative Economic Empowerment Movement of ...
  • 1757

    By Dianne Anderson Some 40% of Black businesses have crashed over the last nearly two years of the COVID shutdown, while some owners have managed to soar to new heights. Pepi Jackson knows that it’s not luck. It’s access to money and strategy. While many businesses have gone under, he said others have managed to ...
  • 2570

    By Antonio‌ ‌Ray‌ ‌Harvey‌ ‌California‌ ‌Black‌ ‌Media‌ Next week, after more than a year, California is expected to lift the majority of its COVID-19 related restrictions and reopen its economy at almost-full capacity. But as the state prepares for a long-anticipated comeback, many Black businessowners say enterprises across the state that African Americans own face ...
  • 2388

    By Tanu Henry California Black Media Most small businesses in California are very small. A whopping 95 % of them are companies with less than 50 employees, according to the Public Policy Institute of California. Yet these businesses employ a majority of workers in the state – up to an estimated 75 % of the labor force. But, for most official purposes, California defines ...
  • 2721

    By Quinci LeGardye California Black Media  Gov. Newsom says he wants to help small businesses. Combined, they are a major economic engine in the state. He wants them to get online quicker and expand their markets to reach new customers in cyberspace. This is as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to hammer their bottom lines and ...
  • 2673

    By Dianne Anderson More money coming in the second phase of the Paycheck Protection Program, the PPP, begs the bigger question of how can Black and Brown people get some of the OPM – Other People’s Money. Robert “Bobby Mac” McDonald, president and executive director of the Black Chamber of Commerce of Orange County for ...
  • 2698

    By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Correspondent An estimate of more than 10,000 people filled the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in the nation’s capital during the just completed five-day Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Annual Legislative Conference (ALC). This year’s ALC theme, “400 Years: Our Legacy, Our Possibilities …” observed 400 years of the ...