Tag: Anne Shirrells Park
Beat the Holiday Blues: Akoma Toy/Coat Giveaway
By Dianne Anderson Feeling a little down? Feeling a little blue? Grab an extra coat and head over to the Akoma Unity Center to enjoy the holiday bustle with hundreds of families and children at the annual toy and coat giveaway. On December 21, organizers are calling on all those who want to come out ... -
Akoma Unity Center Seeks City Funding for Park Projects
By Dianne Anderson With $140,000 down and only $50, 000 to go, Akoma Unity Center is getting closer to its new Anne Shirrells Park makeover, complete with basketball, volleyball courts, an inspired mural, and all-around facelift to make any community proud. Now, the ball is in the city’s court, so to speak. Jennifer Xicara, Akoma ...