• 1010

    By Dianne Anderson Unfinished business set the benchmark last week for California leaders with a plan to help the Black community emerge from the ruins of centuries of enslavement, exploitation and oppression. Even though California is considered a free state, Secretary of State Shirley Weber said the development of African Americans has been historically hindered, ...
  • 1905

    By Antonio‌ ‌Ray‌ ‌Harvey ‌California‌ ‌Black‌ ‌Media‌ The California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans will be conducting its last meeting of 2022 on Wednesday, Dec. 14, and Thursday, Dec. 15, at Oakland City Hall Chambers. The start time is 9:00 a.m., for both days, beginning with one hour of ...
  • 3495

    By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Sr Nat’l Correspondent Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee knows that there has never been another time in which she has garnered so much congressional support and public momentum for H.R. 40, the reparations legislation that focuses on truth, racial healing, and transformation. The longtime Democratic representative from Texas will chair a hearing ...