• 545

    By Antonio‌ ‌Ray‌ ‌Harvey ‌California‌ ‌Black‌ ‌Media‌ The Community Housing Working Group hosted a briefing on April 23 at Cafeteria 15L in Sacramento.  Discussions focused on how the housing crisis in California affects Black and Brown communities and explored ways to provide low-income families and individuals with affordable housing. Tia Boatman Patterson, CEO and President ...
  • 1032

    California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced filing a comment letter that identifies serious legal issues concerning the proposed Airport Gateway Specific Plan in the Inland Empire Cities of Highland and San Bernardino. The Airport Gateway Specific Plan would streamline future development of up to 9.2 million square feet of new warehouses just north of the San Bernardino Airport. In his comment letter, ...
  • 1740

    By Charlene Crowell On August 4, an estimated 11 million American consumers facing imminent evictions gained a short-term reprieve, thanks to an eviction moratorium extension ordered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Effective August 3 through October 3, counties experiencing substantial and high levels of COVID-19 levels, many of which are driven ...
  • 2223

    By Charlene Crowell Each year Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) publishes a comprehensive report on the nation’s challenges and prospects in one of life’s most basic needs. This year, its State of the Nation’s Housing 2021assesses the rippling financial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also warning that despite substantial federal government ...