Tag: health
Advocates Address Rise in Suicide for Black Males
By Dianne Anderson Suicide rising among Black boys and men is a hard conversation to have, seemingly harder if the answer requires more money to Black organizations to provide community-based resources, and the political will to get it done. Mental health providers are calling on community participation to shed light on some of the reasons ... -
CA Launches Health Campaigns
Both Campaigns Part of On-Going Outreach to the Black and African American Community The state of California has launched two campaigns designed to engage the Black and African American community by providing information about COVID-19 vaccines and boosters and opportunities to get boosted through January 2023. Shot of Faith returns with the Boost Up/Stay ... -
COVID Treatments Available, Access Disparities Still Huge
BySunita Sohrabji “Test and treat, and you can beat COVID!” As Californians brace for a winter surge of COVID infections, that’s the message of Dr. Rita Nguyen, speaking at an online news conference on behalf of the California Department of Public Health’s COVID 19 Treatments Task Force. Her message was echoed by four frontline medical ... -
Study: Barriers to Mental Health for Black/Latina Women
By Maxim Elramsisy California Black Media A poll of Black women and Latinas across California sponsored by Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) and Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE) found that 77% are experiencing some form of discrimination due to “personal characteristics,” including race or ethnicity, assumptions about income or education, and/or physical ... -
Same Game, Different Smokers: Tobacco Targets Blacks
By Dianne Anderson Smart smiling smokers plastered across billboards and television ads in those extra cool vintage days of old have now given way to a new generation of young, hip and specifically Black people going up in smoke. The “Same Game, Different Smokers” exhibit opened July 7 at the Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center, ... -
Protests Follow Roe v. Wade
By Tanu T. Henry California Black Media Last week’s Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, the 51-year-old decision that guaranteed a woman’s right to an abortion, continues to draw outrage. It has sparked protests around the country and united opponents determined to use their political power to push back against it. Critics say ... -
CAPSBC Helping Seniors Beat the Heat
By Dianne Anderson Seniors sweltering under scorching triple-digit heat are making the usual budget choices about what’s more important – buying food, or stretching their high cost medications by skipping doses, or turning on their air conditioner. Behind that problem of taking from one bill to put toward another is often the other priority, the ... -
Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month
Over 6 million people aged 65 and older live with Alzheimer’s in the United States, and Black Americans individuals are 2.5 times as likely as older Whites to have Alzheimer’s or another dementia. While there is currently no prevention, treatment or cure for Alzheimer’s disease, growing evidence indicates that people can reduce their risk of ... -
Family Resource Center Is All In for the Needy
By Dianne Anderson Everyone who flocked to the Inland Empire over the past few years in search of more affordable housing was in for a big surprise. Housing is about as expensive in the High Desert as anywhere else in the region. Community advocate Sharon Green sees a lot of suffering. It’s hard enough for ... -
Huge Health Fair Coming to LBC
By Dianne Anderson By the time Antoinette Greer had breast cancer surgery, she was justifiably angry. Like a lot of Black women, her doctor brushed off her concerns and a request for a biopsy after she discovered an unusually thick breast mass — something they said was calcification and they should just watch and wait. ...