• 1186

    “Kwanzaa, Freedom, Justice and Peace: Principles and Practices For A New World” By Dr. Maulana Karenga Again, this year we wish for Africans everywhere throughout the world African community “Heri za Kwanzaa. Happy Kwanzaa”. And we bring and send greetings of celebration, solidarity and continued struggle for an inclusive and shared good in the world. ...
  • 1605

    The Mind and Heart of  Harriet Tubman: A Hearing Heart and An Amazing Mind By Maulana Karenga   Part 1. This is in homage to Nana Harriet Tubman: African woman, Black and beautiful woman; fierce and fearless freedom fighter; womanist warrior for all the people, up all night with her weapon on her knee, waiting ...
  • 2287

    Placing the Nguzo Saba at the Center By Dr. Maulana Karenga As we move once again into the month of December and the season of celebration of the good at the year’s end, Kwanzaa will again assume its rightful role as a distinct, definitive and defining African cultural presence at the table of these times. ...
  • 3738

    Revolution, Repression, Resistance and Eventual Victory By Dr. Maulana Karenga The history and culture of Haiti is marked by extraordinary expressions of revolutionary struggle and victory, suffering and repression, but always righteous and relentless resistance of the people and their radical refusal to be defeated. The Haitian nation was born in revolutionary struggle, achieving what ...
  • 2329

    “Kwanzaa and the Well-Being of the World: Living and Uplifting the Seven Principles” by Dr. Maulana Karenga Heri za Kwanzaa, Happy Kwanzaa to African people everywhere throughout the global African community. We bring you Kwanzaa greetings of celebration, solidarity, and continuing struggle for good in the world. Kwanzaa is a special season and celebration of ...
  • 3404

    By Dr. Maulana Karenga In the midst of the pandemic of COVID 19, the ongoing pathology of racist oppression and lying imposed as a way of life, the sacred charge to us by our honored foremother, Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer (October 6), to constantly question and radically transform America is both urgent and enduringly relevant. ...
  • 3246

    Staying Focused on Freedom By Dr. Maulana Karenga This is a Kawaida position statement on rightly celebrating Juneteenth as a day of freedom as distinct from a day of unreflective Americana – red soda water, boppin’, barbecuin’, flag waving, etc. It speaks against fostering images of a darker version of the 4th of July without ...
  • 2971

    Radically Reimagining and Rebuilding America by Dr. Maulana Karenga The transformative fires and formations of revolt and rebellion have reached around the world in rightful resistance to police violence against Black men, women and children and against the system of savage racism which fosters, facilitates and sanctions it at virtually every level of social life. ...
  • 2783

    By Dr. Maulana Karenga Again, so we might remember and raise up, pursue and do the good. We owe this month of meditation, celebration and recommitment to increased study of our history to Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950), the founder of Black History Month, who rose up from the evil and debilitating depths of post-Holocaust ...
  • 3067

    By Dr. Maulana Karenga As we contemplate various ways to celebrate Black History Month, we must ask ourselves how do we pay proper homage to this sacred narrative we know as Black History?  How do we think and talk about this, the oldest of human histories and about the fathers and mothers of humanity and ...