Tag: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
CFPB returns $17.5B to Defrauded Consumers
Commentary By Charlene Crowell This year marks the 12th anniversary of an important consumer protection that sprang as a response to millions of foreclosures and the resulting Great Recession. Today, just as then, all consumers need assurances that whether purchasing goods or services, they pay a fair price. For the first time in our nation’s history, a ... -
Remembering Hon. Elijah Cummings & the Journey Still Ahead
By Charlene Crowell The nationally televised October 25 funeral services for the late Congressman Elijah E. Cummings, paused partisan debates and revealed how a son of Baltimore worked tirelessly for his constituents and for this nation. In the days since his home-going, I have marveled at how his life’s work somehow brought together officials who ... -
Economy Must Better Serve Black and Latino Consumers
By Charlene Crowell Anyone who works for a living knows that their money goes a lot quicker than the time it takes to earn it. And for low-to-moderate income workers, the costs of everyday living creep higher and quicker than pay raises or cost-of-living adjustments. These and other kitchen table finance concerns are part of ... -
Civil Rights Leaders Support Rules to Crackdown on Payday Lending
By Charlene Crowell After five years of field hearings, town hall meetings, multiple research reports, and over one million comments, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced on October 5 a new rule to rein in predatory payday and car-title loans. “These protections bring needed reform to a market where far too often lenders have ...